We FINALLY did something fun on our day off. Sunday night we got off work, found a bed by the dumpster (that is now in my room waiting to be assembled) and Julie, Brian K. and I took off for Miami. We stayed at Brian's apartment. We took some (as much as would fit) of his stuff back home with us. He came to Winter Haven on the train with two suitcases so there is still a lot to bring. His apartment complex was very nice with a hot tub and pool (which we went ahead and started out the trip with) though the apartments themselves were very small. The next day we slept late (hey, its our day off) and went to meet Brian's friends for school for sushi. Which was delicious. Then we went shopping... a little too long because the sun started going down when we finally got to the beach. We stayed a bit anyway and went out to dinner in Coconut Grove with more of Brian's friends at the Cheesecake Factory. I had veggie soup and fried mac and cheese (I was curious but it near gave me a heart attack) and Julie and I split Dolce de Leche cheesecake. Mmmm. We went out dancing on South Beach but being a Monday night we landed in a nearly empty club. It was still a lot of fun. There was an aquarium under the dance floor which was very interesting... though I'm not sure PETA recommended. We woke up at 6 this morning to pack the car and get back to Winter Haven in time for our noon call. We've started themeing our shows thanks to actor-Julie who started our "moment befores". Such as the "You just won Miss America" moment. It amuses us. And makes the job less repetetive. Ok 2 minutes left on library computer.
Great to hear from you, Brannon. Sounds like a fun day off -- great that you are getting so much exercise you can eat both mac-n-cheese AND cheesecake!!!
Joan, at 5:56 PM
Thanks for the Blog baby, I was having serious Brannon Blog Withdrawal. Keep 'em coming. The trip sounds like fun. (Have I encouraged you to be careful lately? Be careful!) I'll bet your roommates are glad they have a friend with a RAV to haul stuff from Miami in!
At first I thot you meant you'd slept by a dumpster!! (It's not the dumpster being assembled in your room?)
Did you eat raw fish?
I'd like to hear more about the "Theme-ing" of your shows.
Terrell, at 6:34 PM
Brannon! You were online today, I saw you! And you didn't update?!
Why is it you posted more in Europe than in Florida? Well... I guess it IS Florida.
Love you!
Cath, at 10:57 AM
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